Let us know about how the information you learn from this website will better serve your healthcare needs
Let us know about how the information you learn from this website will better serve your healthcare needs
Learn about a variety of topics on lung cancer through short animations
Learn about a variety of topics on lung cancer through short animations
Downloadable visual tools for sharing and communicating key learning concepts
Downloadable visual tools for sharing and communicating key learning concepts

Welcome to You and Lung Cancer

An Animated Patient® Guide to Lung Cancer

This A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation resource is intended for patients with lung cancer, as well as their families and caregivers. You will find expert advice and learning resources to help you discuss key issues with your health care provider and make important decisions related to management and treatment. Easy-to-understand animations, expert video explanations, patient interviews, slide shows, and downloads on major lung cancer topics are available to you. You are invited to provide feedback to help direct future content as this site becomes part of your personal information resource on lung cancer. We welcome you to this online community resource to improve your quality of life and health outcomes.

More Animations

A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation Mission

Knowing that awareness, earlier detection and improved treatments will save lives, A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation has created three program vehicles for carrying out its mission.

Our programs will lead to:
  1. Increased research;
  2. Increased awareness and education, especially in low income communities where lung cancer is most prevalent; and
  3. Increased support of patients who often face this cancer with little or no support.
Learn more at abreathofhope.org.

Experts answer frequently asked questions about lung cancer

Patients can access expert physicians answering common questions about lung cancer. Watching these videos empowers patients to be able to conduct better discussions with health providers to achieve best practice care, optimal patient management and best available treatment and disease management options. Video topics range from how lung cancer occurs, to the various management and treatment strategies.

More Videos

Patient Stories

Carol's Story
 Carol's Story
Chris' Story
Chris' Story
Christi's Story
Christi's  Story
Curt's Story
Curt's Story
Gary's Story
Gary's Story
Gracie's Story
Gracie's Story
Julie's Story
Julie's Story
Katherine's Story
Katherine's Story
Mark's Story
Mark's Story
Mr. Satterfield's Story
 Mr. Satterfield's Story
Sharon's Story
Sharon's Story
Terri's Story
Terri's Story
Tricia's Story
Tricia's Story

We Won! Fall 2021 Digital Health Awards
YouAndLungCancer.com has received a GOLD Award – Web-based Digital Health: Web-based Resource / Tool category in the Fall 2021 Digital Health Award competition

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